Who are we?
St Peter’s is a multi-cultural, cross-generational community made up of young and not-so-young people from Edgware and beyond. We believe Jesus has blessed us as a community so we want to share that blessing with our communities through our worship, through our words and through our work in the local community.
For us OneStonegrove is a sign of that blessing, so we’re delighted to be partnering with the Stonegrove Community Trust so that our joint home helps the whole community to flourish.
We’ve been the local church for Stonegrove since the late 1950s. Even before our old church was built in 1962, Christians had been meeting here – first in their homes, then in Edgware School and then in the old Community Centre building. You can find out more about our history here: http://stpetersstonegrove.weebly.com/history-page.html
We are part of Edgware Parish in the London Diocese of the Church of England This means that we are open to everyone and we welcome all who come – whether from our local community or across the world, whether officially members of a church or not. You can find out more about Edgware Parish and St Peter’s here: http://www.edgwareparish.org.uk/welcome.htm

What do we do?
We meet on Sundays and at other times during the week because our faith in Jesus energises us and helps us through both good and bad times.
Our principle service is on Sunday and our worship is family friendly, relaxed and informal – we don’t have a dress code, although the vicar sometimes wears robes on special occasions like Easter and Christmas.
It starts at 10.30 am and finishes around 12.00 and it helps us connect with God as we sing old and new songs, pray together, listen to readings from the Bible and explore how this relates to our lives today through a sermon.
The words for songs and prayers and often pictures for the sermon are projected on screens around the church. After the service most people stay on to talk and enjoy tea, or coffee and fellowship – sometimes with bring and share meals at special celebration services. All ages worship together at the beginning and end of our main services and children and young people leave for age appropriate groups during the sermon. On an average Sunday almost half of the worshipping community are under 16.
We believe worshipping God doesn’t stop after our Sunday services, so we offer more opportunities for Christian worship in OneStonegrove throughout the week:
- Bible study for children and young people – Mondays from 5.00pm to 6.00pmPraise and Prayer – informal worship Tuesdays 7.30pm to 8.30pm
- Women Arise – monthly women’s fellowship last Saturday of the month
- Messy Church – Regular fun-filled family afternoon events celebrating special occasions in the year like Easter, Harvest and Advent.
- As the local church in Stonegrove, we share the joys – and sorrows – of local people by celebrating baptisms and weddings in our church and by offering pastoral and practical support in difficult times and through funerals.
Our spectacular chapel provides a special place set apart for private prayer whenever OneStonegrove is open.
If you’d like to know more about prayer, have a talk about spiritual matters or just chat, our pastor Revd. Simon Rea is available for residents of all faiths or none and church members every Monday in the OneStonegrove Café between 4.00pm and 7.00pm
We also believe worship is about the whole of life, not just the bits you might expect to find in ‘church’ so we reach out to people by supporting:
- Social projects: St Peter’s StoreCupboard (our foodbank); and Christmas Lunch On Jesus (with Jesus House http://www.jesushouse.org.uk/ )
- Creative projects in partnership with the Stonegrove Community Trust: helping people of all ages discover their inner artist through Art from the Heart on Saturdays 3.30pm – 7.00p; helping people share and develop skills through the Stonegrove Sewing Circle
- Community projects: Stonegrove and Spur Road Community Bingo – on the first Saturday of the month 2.00pm – 3.30pm; and St Peter’s Play and Stay Wednesdays 10.00am to noon.
Since 2008 we have also served Stonegrove through the Stonegrove Estates’ Youth Project which delivers community provision for young people between the ages of 5 and 18. You can find out more about the project here: Stonegrove Estates Youth Project
These initiatives are open to all regardless of faith or ethnic background.
How can I find out more?
If you’d like to find out more about us, you can contact our vicar at simonrea@gmx.net or on 07969593230 – or just come along to one of our services! We’re so excited about what’s happening and we’d love to share that excitement with you, too!